“Hiring, how’s it going?”

We know there are thousands of jobs being advertised in Housing Associations across the country right now.

We also know that Employability teams are looking to bring in diverse talent and representative employees to many of those jobs.

Currently – this process can be limiting in speed to hire and efficacy, as the job goes through the process and discovery for the employability teams. 

We know the hiring approach is important, this type of social mobility hire from our own communities is the glue that holds them together and means we are hiring in people with the right lived experience and voice to support the changes we need to make in social housing.

We have a different way to do this, at Skillsminer we can bring people to the jobs and take jobs to the people in a skills based and socially responsible way.

BUT we know many of our current communities have digital literacy issues, they may be digital citizens but they may just as easily have skills but not be able to confidently access job sites and job search.

So to help, we’ve designed a friendly chat interface to replicate the support of an initial careers outreach conversation that drives insights into the person’s best career option and their transferable skills. This has increased engagement in pilots with workers moving into health and social care – you might want to give it a try?

If you can’t hire from your local community… what then?

If you know the hiring you need to do can’t be filled from your local community – what’s your next step? Advertise on your job portal, of course. 

Self nomination into job roles – also called Passive Recruitment – means you can miss the hidden talent in your local and regional communities, you might be missing out on the perfect person for your role.


Often people can’t see they have the ability to perform a role in a different function, or they lack the confidence to apply. 

Did you know women often apply for fewer roles they may be qualified to perform?

Active Recruitment flips this approach on it’s head and gives you the upper hand. 

You can reach out to the people who fit the bill for your role, you can see who is looking, and see if you can find your own talent before they have to find you.

Try Skillzminer for free!

What is the free Self-Registration and Marketing Toolkit?
A free and unique self registration hyperlink that you can share with your community.
  • This means everyone in your community gets access to Skillzminer to help close their skills gaps by mapping career pathways and removing the need for job search. We reveal twelve times more jobs and occupations than traditional career guidance.
    • 1 million vacancies
    • 15,000 qualifications
    • 50,000 educational resources
    • 35,000 online MOOCs

Our weekly Marketing Toolkit with links to our blog on the hot issues affecting you and your community.

  • Social media content on those issues for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to share with your community. We’ve even embedded the hyperlink so you just need to promote the content through your own channels.
  • These messages can of course be adapted for any other channels you wish to spread the message through.

Don’t worry, you can unsubscribe at any time.

We will use the information you provide to be in touch with you about Skillzminer. We will not sell or distribute your email address to a third party at any time. View our privacy policy

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