Reaching the Hardest to Help: 5 Ways to Connect With Your Target Audience

Accessing the hardest to reach housing associations

“Poverty is often a barrier to finding meaningful employment and acquiring new skills, but with the right resources, determination, and perseverance, we can break through those barriers.” —David Brooks, Poverty Activist.

Some people might say that the easiest people to help are those who are already motivated and want to succeed. But what about those who don’t; those with disabilities, ex-offenders or those with low skills? How do you reach out to the hardest to help and make a difference in their lives? In this blog post, we will discuss five ways that you can connect with your target audience and help them achieve success!

1. Housing Associations:

Housing associations are a great way to help those who may have nowhere else to turn for support. These organisations provide housing services and advice to people struggling with poverty, low income, or homelessness. Often, the hardest to help by definition might find themselves in social housing. By engaging with local housing associations, you can better identify the needs of those in your community and work together to create solutions that will benefit all parties involved.

2. Employability:

Job training programs are essential for providing individuals with the skills they need to enter or reenter the workforce. Working closely with employers can provide employment opportunities and access to job training programs tailored specifically for the hardest to help. This could include resume writing workshops, interview preparation classes, and more!

3. Partnerships:

Partnering with other organisations in your community can help you reach a wider range of people who may be struggling. This could mean collaborating with local charities, churches, or even the government to provide access to resources for those who need them most. Working together will ensure that all voices are heard and no one is left behind when it comes to helping those in need.

4. Mentoring:

For many individuals, having someone they can look up to and trust is invaluable. By offering mentorship programs people have someone they can turn to for guidance and support as they achieve their goals. This could involve career advice, personal development workshops, or simply providing emotional encouragement as they go through difficult times.

5. Tenant Engagement:

Engaging with those in your target audience on a personal level is essential for creating trust and building relationships. This could mean going door to door to introduce yourself, hosting tenant meetings, or launching an online survey so people can voice their opinions and concerns. By listening to their needs and incorporating them into your programs, you can better serve the community and provide meaningful support.

Reaching the hardest to help might seem like an insurmountable task, but it doesn’t have to be! By following these five steps, you can create effective solutions that will benefit all parties involved. Housing associations, job training programs, partnerships, mentoring opportunities and tenant engagement are all great ways to get started! With determination and the right resources at hand, you can make a real difference in the lives of those who need it most.


The term ‘hardest to help’ is used when referring to individuals who face the most significant barriers in employment. This group includes people with a disability, ex-offenders, and those with mental health issues. There are many reasons why this group struggle in securing meaningful employment; lack of skills, experience or confidence can be some of the primary factors. However, as an organisation that supports employability, we believe that everyone deserves a chance at finding fulfilling work. This is why we offer specialised support for the hardest to help through our platform and services. If you want to learn more about how we can support you or your organisation, sign up for our freemium package today. You’ll even receive a free marketing toolkit upon signing up to help communicate the message to the hardest to help!

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What is the free Self-Registration and Marketing Toolkit?
A free and unique self registration hyperlink that you can share with your community.
  • This means everyone in your community gets access to Skillzminer to help close their skills gaps by mapping career pathways and removing the need for job search. We reveal twelve times more jobs and occupations than traditional career guidance.
    • 1 million vacancies
    • 15,000 qualifications
    • 50,000 educational resources
    • 35,000 online MOOCs

Our weekly Marketing Toolkit with links to our blog on the hot issues affecting you and your community.

  • Social media content on those issues for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to share with your community. We’ve even embedded the hyperlink so you just need to promote the content through your own channels.
  • These messages can of course be adapted for any other channels you wish to spread the message through.

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