5 Innovative Ways to Engage Your Tenants

5 Innovative Ways to Engage Your Tenants - Housing Associations

“Modern engagement methods are essential for tapping into the potential that the digital revolution offers to create new employment and skills opportunities.” —Daniela Pallasch, Employment & Skills Consultant.

There is no question that Housing Associations have a responsibility to their tenants when it comes to engagement. However, what is the best methods for carrying out this engagement? In this blog post, we will discuss five innovative ways to engage your Housing Association tenants and help them improve their employability skills!

1. Online Job Opportunities:

Housing Associations can provide access to online job postings that are relevant to the skillset of their tenants. This will give them a better chance of finding employment in their local area.

2. Digital Learning Platforms:

Housing Associations can offer access to online learning platforms, such as Coursera or Udemy, which can help tenants improve their skills and gain better employment prospects. Tenants can use these platforms to learn about various topics, from coding to entrepreneurship.

3. Mentoring Programs:

Housing Associations can offer mentoring programs, which can help tenants build relationships with professionals in the field. Mentors can provide guidance and advice on job searches, interviews, and other related topics.

4. Career Coaching Services:

Housing Associations can offer in-person or online career coaching services, which can help tenants develop a plan to pursue their desired job or career path. The coach can help tenants identify areas of interest, set goals, and create an actionable strategy to reach them.

5. Mental Health Services:

Housing Associations can offer mental health services to tenants who may need support and guidance while searching for employment. These services can help tenants increase their self-confidence and feel more empowered when it comes to job searches

By investing in these innovative engagement methods, Housing Associations can ensure that their tenants have the best chance of successfully finding employment. Through these methods, Housing Associations can help tenants develop their skills and gain better job prospects. With the right combination of engagement strategies, Housing Associations can ensure that their tenants have a successful future ahead of them!


It is essential that we as an industry adapt to change and employ modern engagement methods in order to ensure that our tenants are given the best possible chance at being successful. We must do everything we can to fight for their future because if they succeed, we all succeed. Sign up for a freemium package today and receive a free marketing toolkit – it’s time to get started!

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