While some jobs stay the same, most evolve over time. We do many jobs today that our ancestors never even dreamed about, mainly thanks to the modern ways in which we now live our lives.

So, as the world changes, so will the jobs we do. Academics in Australia have undertaken research into what a hundred jobs of the future are likely to look like. We take a peek at seven of them here and find out what skills might be needed.
Cricket farmer
Nope, we don’t mean someone keeping the grass green and the wicket tidy at your local cricket club. We’re talking about the insects. Crickets are already eaten in large quantities in some Far Eastern countries but will become increasingly popular in the years ahead as we turn towards protein-rich diets. They can even be used to produce flour for bread-based products. Cricket farmers will need to have good digital and communication skills.
AI educator
Don’t worry, we don’t think school teachers will be out of a job. This is all about teaching us how to use the technology, which is advancing at such a pace. Some educators will specialise in teaching how we can make the most of artificial intelligence like robots or technological assistants. This role will require good interpersonal skills as well as a good knowledge of teaching strategies, and of course excellent digital skills.
3D printing architect
There’s a huge shortfall of homes in the UK, and an ever-increasing population. So, something’s got to give. We need to be building swathes of new homes at a pace we’ve never seen before. Bricks and mortar will still have a place but, it’s likely we’ll see some homes being designed and developed on large-scale 3D printers. Experts say a sturdy, warm, safe and secure house could be constructed in just two days using this method – so we’ll need people to design them. Whoever gets jobs like this will need be a careful planner, an excellent designer and brilliant digital skills.
Our population is growing because people are living longer. But living longer brings its own challenges, particularly for people whose memories are not what they once were. Nostalgists will work with people with dementia and similar illnesses to help them bring their memories to the fore once more. They’ll need good research, listening and interpersonal skills as well as having an eye for detail.
Data recycler
Our data is everywhere these days. Whether it’s where you live, what you like to eat or your medical history, organisations know a lot about us. All that data has to be stored somewhere, and just like the clutter in your wardrobe or that drawer you forgot all about, it’ll need to get cleaned up at some point. Data recyclers will do just that. They’ll see what data is still useful and try to re-use it if possible. These new workers will need to have an exceptional eye for detail and have brilliant analytical and digital skills.
Drone airspace regulator
There are currently around 130,000 drone users in the UK, with that figure set to rise rapidly as we use the technology to help do things like courier goods and undertake much more filming in the skies above our heads. We’re going to need someone to make sure they all don’t bump into each other, and make sure priority is given to drones carrying emergency items – much like the same way our roads are run. These regulators will need good strategic thinking skills, technical knowledge and excellent communication skills.
Space tourism operator
Just like our skies will become more populated, so will space. And you won’t need to be a billionaire like Elon Musk or Sir Richard Branson to go into space. Thousands of people each year will pay a pretty penny to take the short rocket-fuelled flight into space. Maybe you’ll switch your annual trip to the Greek Islands to a trip to see the curvature of the Earth? If you do, you’ll need someone to book it for you, just like a travel operator would do today. They’ll need to have good organisational skills, have a good eye for health and safety and be entrepreneurial.
Okay, so many of these jobs might still be a way off yet, but it’s clear that digital skills are key to being job-ready in the future. But many of the skills we possess today will still be needed – we’ll just need to adapt to a new way of working. We need to be able to understand more about our own transferable skills and how they can be best put to use.
For a full list of what jobs we could be doing in the years ahead, visit the 100 jobs of the future website. To see where your skills might get you to today, try the Skillzminer platform and find your dream job in just four minutes.