5 Ways to Modernise Engagement Methods for Local Authorities

5 Ways to Modernise Engagement Methods for Local Authorities

“Modern engagement methods are essential for tapping into the potential that the digital revolution offers to create new employment and skills opportunities.” —Daniela Pallasch, Employment & Skills Consultant.

It’s no secret that local authorities are feeling the pinch when it comes to funding. This has led to a number of cutbacks, including in the area of employability and community engagement. However, there is still much that can be done to modernise these methods and improve outcomes for local residents. In this blog post, we will look at five ways in which local authorities can modernise their engagement methods.

1. Embrace Technology:

Technology is rapidly changing the way local governments engage with citizens. Local authorities can use technology to create more efficient, cost-effective methods of engagement, such as improving access to employability and employment platforms, services, online surveys and forums. This will allow local authorities to quickly gauge public opinion on local issues and respond in a timely manner.

2. Utilise Social Media:

Social media provides local authorities with an effective platform for engaging with locals, particularly younger generations who may not be reached through traditional communication channels. Authorities should make use of social media platforms to promote events, policies and initiatives that they are working on and increase local participation in decision-making processes

3. Engage Youth:

Young people are often overlooked when it comes to local government engagement. Local authorities should strive to involve local youth in decision-making processes as they are the future of local communities. This engagement can take place through local initiatives, such as ‘Youth Councils’ or by encouraging youths to attend local government meetings and contribute their opinions.

4. Facilitate Community Projects:

Encouraging local residents to work together on community projects is a great way for local authorities to engage with locals and increase civic pride in the area. By providing funding and support for these projects, local people can come together to make positive changes in their local areas while giving local authorities insight into the needs of their constituents.

5. Rely on Grassroots Organisations:

Local grassroots organisations are often best placed to understand the needs of local communities. As such, local authorities should work closely with these organisations to ensure that they are involved in local decision-making processes. This will help local authorities gain a better understanding of local issues and ensure that community members have a direct say in how their area is run.


By modernising local engagement methods, local authorities can ensure that local voices are heard and local needs are met. It is essential for local governments to stay up-to-date with the latest technological advances in order to remain competitive and ensure that their services benefit local residents. Ultimately, local authorities must use these five steps to engage more effectively with local people and help build strong communities.

It’s time for government agencies to get with the times and start using modern engagement methods to improve the employability of their residents. The old way of doing things is no longer effective, and in many cases, it’s downright harmful. But we can help you make the transition to a more modern way of engaging with your constituents. Sign up for our freemium package today and receive a free marketing toolkit that will help you get started.

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