Pricing Plans

3 year contract, billed annually, for your peace of mind.

Employment and Skills

Economic Development

Deliver Skillsminer to your customer community

6% Job Outcome Increase

Prices From

What’s included:

checkUp to 10 Employees
checkUnlimited Community
£Additional AI Credits
£CV Credits
£Organisational Admin Seats
£Recruiter Seats
HR Manager Seats
Line Manager Seats
£Caseload Management Seats
checkParticipant Self Registration
£Participant Mass Import
£White Labelling
£Elevate Support Programme
£Training Sessions

The Top 5 Features

  1. Onboard candidates with QR codes, self-registration links or invites,
  2. Provide candidates access via any device,
  3. Monitor candidate engagement, progress and job activity,
  4. Perform remote or co-job search,
  5. Deploy resources, training and vacancies.


Hiring Managers

CV credits to recruit for your hard-to-fill vacancies

12 times more talent revealed

Prices From

What’s included:

checkUp to 100 Employees
checkUnlimited Community
£Additional AI Credits
checkCV Credits
Organisational Admin Seats
checkRecruiter Seats
HR Manager Seats
Line Manager Seats
Caseload Management Seats
checkParticipant Self Registration
Participant Mass Import
checkWhite Labelling
checkElevate Support Programme
checkTraining Sessions

The Top 5 Features

  1. Unlimited proactive searches for skills & experience,
  2. Create unlimited vacancies,
  3. Access unlimited Skillsminer & Community profiles,
  4. Invite unlimited Skillsminer & Community Candidates,
  5. Additional credits to access a talent pool of 3 million candidates.

Human Resources

Learning & Development

Mobilise your workforce and transition to skills

250% RoI

Prices From

What’s included:

checkUp to 25,000 Employees
checkUnlimited Community
checkAdditional AI Credits
£CV Credits
checkOrganisational Admin Seats
checkRecruiter Seats
checkHR Manager Seats
checkLine Manager Seats
checkCaseload Management Seats
checkParticipant Self Registration
checkParticipant Mass Import
checkWhite Labelling
checkElevate Support Programme
checkTraining Sessions

The Top 5 Features

  1. Create organisational roles in minutes,
  2. Instantly find internal talent for hard-to-fill vacancies,
  3. Build a customer community for external recruitment,
  4. Search your talent pool based on skills, not just job titles,
  5. Employee access for career progression opportunities and skills validation.

Elevate Support Programme

We’ll get you all set up so you can hit the ground running

We’ll do the heavy lifting for you and get your roles, skills, departments and people set up so you can maximise Skillsminer from day 1!