Sustainability, Skills, Safety and Social Mobility

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Housing associations play a pivotal role in shaping communities across the UK.

Communities exist because of the people within them and the development of place based thinking is critical. As leaders in Housing Associations challenges come to light, there are many key priorities, not least in these are sustainability, skills development, safety, and social mobility when we look to enhance our impact. 

Addressing these areas improves operational efficiency and fosters more vibrant and equitable communities. Let’s dig in a little more.

1. Sustainability

Sustainability has become a cornerstone of modern housing strategies. The drive towards greener, more energy-efficient homes reflects broader environmental concerns and practical considerations. It may seem retrofit has been on the agenda for a long time, and some of the changes to be made may be a long time in delivery – but the change needs to be made.

Housing associations are adopting measures such as green building certifications, renewable energy systems, and sustainable materials. These initiatives not only help reduce carbon footprints but also result in long-term cost savings and healthier living conditions for residents.

There are also challenged in the development, construction, maintenance and management of new homes – especially in light of new targets for social housing, and who will help to deliver these.

2. Skills Development

Skills development within housing associations is crucial for ensuring effective service delivery and innovative problem-solving.

“Investing in our staff’s skills is a direct investment in the quality of service we provide. Training and development are key to adapting to the evolving needs of our residents.”
Paul Hackett, CEO Southern Housing

Training programs that focus on technical skills, customer service, and leadership are fundamental. Housing associations are increasingly partnering with educational institutions and industry experts to provide relevant and impactful training in challenging sectors.

Collating opportunities for employment, skills training and assessment in one place helps the delivery of the complex requirement. Skill development is vital for employees as well as tenants, not forgetting the supply chain for the nature of the changes happening across the sector, for instance new home building and construction shortages.

Employability teams are looking to support people with a one stop shop connecting the employability offer, and internally, social housing providers are seeking to access talent in their own communities first and foremost, before looking to their local talent pool to fill much needed roles.

3. Safety

Safety remains a top priority for housing associations, encompassing both physical safety and security within properties.

The recent Grenfell inquiry and report has rightly put scrutiny for safety back at the top of the agenda.

Housing associations must continue to adhere to stringent safety standards and regulations, conducting regular inspections and maintenance to ensure compliance and address any issues promptly and look to improve safety and security where they can.

“Creating safe and secure environments is essential for fostering a sense of community and well-being among residents.”
John Perry, Chartered Institute of Housing

Community safety programs, including crime prevention initiatives and emergency preparedness plans, are also key components of a comprehensive safety strategy. Community engagement has to cover many diverse outreach needs and managing this in effective ways is vital.

4. Social Mobility

Social mobility is a critical focus for housing associations, aimed at providing residents with opportunities to improve their economic circumstances.

The mission and vision of the housing association doesn’t just look at housing, it is about supporting residents to achieve their full potential. This can be achieved through education, training and employment opportunities. 

Managing the extent of these different opportunities and having a consistent employment and social mobility offer is important.

Programs designed to enhance social mobility often include careers advice,  job training, financial education, and employment support. These initiatives, while helping residents gain the skills and confidence needed to pursue better economic opportunities, are often hard to maintain, repeat and deliver in the changing environment for jobs.

CEO’s and Housing Leaders are juggling these and other priorities when trying to address priorities of sustainability, skills development, safety, and social mobility on top of strategy, operational delivery and management.

There’s more than one bottom line and for housing associations,  striving to make a positive impact is key to their culture too.

These elements create thriving communities we all want to be a part of.

Which priority are you addressing today and why is this so important to you?

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